DIPPER 1 to 1 Workshop


Flexible Dates to suit


Near to Mold, North East Wales

Group size

2 Maximum


£75 per person
(Discounted to £140 for two people)

Dippers are a bird that have long fascinated me and a bird that I thoroughly enjoy photographing, this workshop gives you the opportunity to join me for the day photographing these charismatic and charming little birds. There is nothing better than being sat by a small river with a Dipper in front of you bobbing and dipping, before it drops into the fast flowing river to forage below the water for its prey of small water insects and fish.

We will spend at least 3 hours wandering one of the small rivers local to me, where I will get you into the best spots to photograph thebirds. We will go through the set up of your camera to achieve this, and look at the different compositions to really show these birds off in their aquatic environment.


This is a session where we will be on the move often, it may involve a bit of manoeuvring over uneven ground, so a good level of fitness would be better. It could be wet and muddy so waterproof clothing and boots or wellies would be advisable, in camo or muted colouring.

In terms of the Camera kit you will need, the ideal lens would be a 500mm lens, Dippers are not easy to get very close to, and to avoid disturbance and stress it is always best to use a long lens, but that is not to say we won’t get quite close, so shorter lenses would be good to get wider shots of the birds in their environment.

What is included

Not Included

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