
Friday 6th – Saturday 7th June

Friday 4th – Saturday 5th July

All workshops are evening and then morning sessions


Horn Mill Trout Fishery, Lyndon Reserve & Rutland Water

Group size

6 Maximum


£395 per person

Join Gary down in Rutland to photograph Ospreys diving to catch fish at Horn Mill Trout Farm, a few miles from Rutland Water in the early morning and late afternoon/evening.

Gary is totally passionate about Ospreys, and has been photographing them seriously for well over 15 years now, and for the 10 years Horn Mill has been open he has been using the hide for his own images and professionally leading workshop groups, you will not find a more experienced Osprey photography guide.

The Workshop will start with an evening session in the Osprey Photography hide at Horn Mill, we will have the services of a professional spotter, who is located away from the hide, and will keep us informed of any Ospreys in the area, and when they are coming in to dive.

In between Ospreys visiting the farm there is likely to be visits from the resident Kingfishers that perch outside of the hide, and also Red Kites which hover over the pool and will swoop and pick up any dead or injured fish near the surface, plus lots of other local wildlife such as Little egrets, Wagtails and much more.

After the session finishes at dusk, we will meet at first light the following day for the morning session.

In terms of camera kit…. For the diving Osprey images, you will require a focal length of about 300mm, so lenses such as 300mm, 70-200m, 100-400mm, 150-600mm, 200-500 etc will be ideal. A camera body that has a decent frame rate to catch as many images of the birds as they dive. If you have any doubt about your kit being suitable please do ask.

To book a place simply fill out the form below to request a booking form, a £50 non refundable deposit will secure your place.

What is included

  • Exclusive access to the hide at Horn Mill for an evening and morning session, with full tuition and advice from Gary

Not Included

  • Transport to and from Rutland
  • Accommodation
  • Insurance both personal and equipment

Booking form

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