Wildlife Photography Beginners Workshop


Saturday 1st October 2022

10am – 4pm


Gauntlet Bird of Prey Centre

Knutsford, Cheshire

Group size

10 maximum


£125 per person

Join Gary up at the amazing Gauntlet Bird of Prey, Eagle and Vulture Park, near Knutsford, Cheshire.

This is a Workshop for beginners to Wildlife Photography, and enthusiastic Amateurs who want to improve their skills.

It is a two fold day with the morning in the Lecture Room with a Presentation from Gary on all aspects of Wildlife Photography, settings, technique, fieldcraft etc.

And then after lunch, there is a fantastic coffee room in the Centre, we will go out to a beautiful landscaped area with a pond at the rear of the Centre with your cameras to put into practice what you have learnt in the morning, a member of the Gauntlet team will bring out some of their amazing birds for you to photograph both in static positions and in flight.

Gary has been running these workshops for sometime now , they have been hugely successful with many guests just starting out joining him again for bigger more involved trips.

Not only does this Workshop support Gary in his work, but more importantly it supports Graham and his team in their work at the Centre, and the hugely important conservation work that they are involved with including their own Gauntlet Conservation Trust

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What is included

  • All guidance, Tuition and instruction from Gary 
  • An electronic copy of the Presentation after the Event for your Reference
  • viewing the birds on display at the Centre

Not Included

  • travel to and from Gauntlet
  • lunch, although tea, coffee etc will be provided.

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